Whether you’re repairing your car after a collision or maintaining it, quality auto body work is hard to find. There are many shops out there that will offer great deals but not all can give good results. Some cheat you into buying parts that match the car but don’t really make a difference.

So to avoid getting tricked by car repair shops, you have to know how to spot a credible shop. All car owners should know what to look for so that you do not end up wasting a lot of money.

quality auto body work - Superior Auto Body Fresno

How to Spot a Good Body Shop That Does Quality Auto Body Work

Auto body work refers to the repair, maintenance, and design of a car. Most of the time, people visit these shops because they got into a collision. But even if your car isn’t damaged, you are doing it a favor by having preventive maintenance.

Here’s what you should look for in a good auto repair shop:

  1. Good Recommendations
quality auto body work - Superior Auto Body Fresno

Credit: Flickr

If you don’t know any auto repair shop yet, look for reviews or ask your relatives and friends. When they recommend, ask why they think the auto repair shop is good. Ask them about what they repaired and how long did it take. They will most likely mention us! We have been in business since teh 70’s and GREAT REVIEWS! Your goal here is to get information about possible auto body shops so that you can pick the best one, SUPERIOR AUTO BODY FRESNO.

  1. Reasonable Pricing

There are a lot of auto body shops that offer discounts on their services. Even if it’s great to get a discount, be skeptical about the pricing. If it’s too cheap, it might be bad quality. If it’s too expensive, there might be a big markup. To help you determine what’s reasonably priced, compare it with other auto body shops.

Also, a trustworthy auto repair shop will explain to you their pricing. We do that very clearly with all our repairs and auto paint jobs. They will give you a breakdown of the possible expenses and will even guide you in the process. If they can’t explain their price, then you’re better off elsewhere.

  1. Good Quality Products

Another trait of credible auto body workshops is good quality OEM parts. You should be aware that there are two kinds of parts – OEM and generic. OEM parts are those manufactured by car brands themselves. Obviously, generic parts are cheaper, but they are not always durable. Make sure to ask a lot about the service life of these parts before you agree to buy them.

  1. Friendly Mechanics

It helps to have friendly mechanics. This is because they will be the ones to explain to you everything. If the mechanics are evasive, it could be a sign that they are hiding something. When it comes to auto body work, you have to be able to trust the mechanics.

  1. Expertise in Your Car

And last and the most important is expertise. Different cars require different training and expertise. For example, American cars are different from European cars. So, you should go to a shop that caters to your car or your car’s brand. Superior repairs all makes and models of vehicles after a car crash.

Quality auto body work can be hard to find, so choose the top one in Fresno, Superior Auto Body! If you are going to spend a lot, then you might as well spend it on good quality parts and top-notch work.