car collision repair - Superior Auto Body Fresno

You can be the most careful driver out there and still get into a car collision if other drivers are negligent on the road. When this happens to you, you should know how to deal with it in a way that your rights are protected and that no one will come running after you in a few weeks. In some cases, both drivers prefer to talk money and to arrive at an agreed price and consider the matter solved. However, this is not advisable since there could be other things that would cause complications in the future.

Instead of settling and negotiating on the scene of the accident, here are some smart things to do when caught in a car collision:

  1. Call 911 and the police

The first thing you want to do is to preserve what happened so that nothing is amiss when it comes to the details. The whole scene should not be moved until the police arrive so that they can make an accurate report about what really happened.

  1. Protect and ensure that every detail is true

Aside from calling the police, you should protect the accuracy of the details – your part of the story and the other driver’s side of the story. Make sure that you are there (especially when there are no injuries) when the person tells his part of the story to ensure that he is not making things up. Although the police would eventually know whose fault it was, it is still better to be safe than sorry. Apart from this, the other driver’s contact information should be gathered so that you will be able to contact him for the damages he’s done or if it’s your fault, so you can pay the damages.

  1. Call your lawyer

Your lawyer will know the best legal course of action during these instances and consulting with him will help protect your rights and will help you get the most out of this unfortunate situation. It would also help that when the police question you, you have your lawyer to back you up and to clear your name for any claims done by the other driver.

  1. Call your insurance company

Superior Auto Body Fresno accepts State FarmThe next thing you want to do is to call your insurance company and notify them of the accident. Don’t spare them any details as these are important for them assessing how much you will be compensated for. It’s important that before you inform them, you have already called your lawyer so you will know if you will be properly paid by the insurance company.

  1. Fix your car after an accident

This goes without saying because you would not want to get into another car accident. Also, you want to make sure if there were any are damages made to your vehicle and if there are, they should be added to the cost the other driver or the insurance company should pay. Car repairs might be costly, but they are worth what you pay for especially when you consult them with a car collision repair and auto body expert like Superior Auto Body.