Getting Your Car Fixed After a DUI Accident

Have you been recently had a car accident and been charged with a DUI and you don’t know how to go about having your car fixed? Discussing this with your car insurance company is the first step. But before you start going through the whole tedious process of having your car fixed from your [...]

2020-03-19T15:28:48-07:00Thursday, March 19, 2020|

Three Common Muscle Car Paint Jobs

Whether you changed personal tastes, need to take care of those nasty scratches or want to boost your muscle car’s resale value, going for the right paint job is an essential decision every vehicle owner must settle for. For an easier decision, it’s a must that you have basic knowledge of common muscle car [...]

2020-02-23T13:47:04-08:00Sunday, February 23, 2020|

The Dead Come Back to Life: Classic Car Restoration

Some things can’t be forgotten through time. This is something very widely understood when it comes to vintage cars and other vintage items alike. Reviving a piece of history and bringing it to life in this modern world may require a lot of advanced technology and skill to pull off. The realization that newer [...]

2020-01-26T09:41:54-08:00Sunday, January 26, 2020|
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